Tuesday 8 April 2014

get cape. wear cape. fly.

I'd like to be super. You know. Undies on the outside heroic. 


I'm just me.

What is this me? I feel as though there is a collection of mes. (I am struggling with the plural of me...the English language clearly does not allow for multiple personalities) Depending on the day. Is the me that I am a mirror of the experiences I have had; the people I have known? Or is there a core me?

Sometimes we allow ourselves to be defined by who we have always been. Who people believe us to be. We can hold on to past hurt, sadness, desire for recognition, lost-ness, fear and we can believe this to be our identity, our presence amongst others. We know how to sit with that. We know how to react when the pressure is on. We have a default. This identity we have chosen. 


But what if that identity is just a mask. Not a great mask. There are no tourists lining up in Venice to buy this particular mask. Because as easy as this mask is to put on, it's not really all that comfortable. It's not really us.


Maybe the past is an anchor holding us back. Maybe you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be. 


Maybe you have to take it slow. Lose control and allow.



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